What is it?
Mixed Reality Production is VR (Virtual Reality) and AR (augmented reality). They are some of the newest forms of video content out there. In VR the user is fully immersed in 360 of viewable video. You get transported into a fully viewable and even interactable world without having to move a step. It’s like going to the movie theater except when you put the headset on you are in the movie. If you turn your head you will be looking at the world that has been created around you. It’s an incredible and immersive experience.
Augmented Reality works in a similar way but integrates the new visuals into your existing space. It overlays motion-tracked imagery into your 3D worlds. Say you're looking at your desk, AR can turn your desk into the controls of a space shuttle, or show you want a couch might look like in your living room allowing you to walk up to and around it.
Who is it for
This type of content is for anyone that wants to be on the cutting edge of technology and create a truly immersive experience for the viewer. Because these forms of media are so new the spectacle is really something to behold and allows your brand to engage with the customer in an extremely personal and specific way.
When to use this video type?
You can use this type of visual content for many reasons. If you have very technical training standards, VR interactive training can be useful at teaching safety and process standards in a very technical way while eliminating the hazards, risks, or overall bandwidth that comes with that. These technologies are also perfect for conveying 360-degree environments. From interior design and architectural renderings to immersive experiences that replicate being in the corners of the earth that are rarely traveled, AR and VR create endless possibilities to wow your audience.
Why work with Covalent?
The world, especially online, changes fast. We enjoy staying on top of trends and we know that our business relies on it. We can help you learn, adapt to, and adopt these ever-evolving forms of media
We’re nerdy in the best way. Meaning we’ve researched back to front the landscape of these mediums. We know their capabilities and uses and we can help fit your needs into that understanding.
Understanding you and your needs is paramount. Knowing how to translate those needs into a creative VR/AR experience is where we thrive. Our in-depth knowledge of your brand allows us to create the best possible use of these emerging mediums to their fullest power in order to create incredible benefits for you.