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Does Storytelling Matter in Corporate Videos?

Storytelling is the crux of all marketing efforts. When we tell stories, we create memorable, relatable moments that connect with our target audience and turn them into paying customers, brand loyalists, and enthusiastic fans.

But if you’ve never gone through the process before, storytelling through corporate videos can feel challenging, cumbersome, and awkward.

Rely on our expertise. Use the links below to jump to the section most relevant to you, or continue reading to learn why storytelling matters in corporate videos.

What Is Video Storytelling?

What Are the Benefits of Storytelling In Corporate Videos?

How Do You Tell Stories In Corporate Videos?

What Is Video Storytelling?

Video storytelling is a multi-media technique of helping your target audience better understand your company, products, and services.

Many times, corporate storytelling incorporates an engaging, relatable storyline featuring characters, dialogue, music, and a variety of visual elements.

Most importantly, all of this is packaged into a single video—one of the most powerful formats of marketing. Two important facts to remember:

  • 84% of video marketers say video is an effective tool for generating leads.
  • 78% of video marketers say video has positively impacted their company’s bottom line and sales.

When you combine video with storytelling, you can generate incredible results for your business.


What Are the Benefits of Storytelling In Corporate Videos?

Storytelling is a powerful tool that’s been used since the emergence of modern marketing techniques around 100 years ago.

The three biggest benefits:

1. Videos And Storytelling Assists In Buying Decisions

Storytelling helps convert curious shoppers into paying customers. Some of the most surprising statistics:

  • 55% of shoppers use online video for last-minute research while shopping in-store. (Source: Google)
  • 73% of social media users prefer watching short-form videos to learn about a product or service. (Source: OneDay)
  • 64% of customers make purchases after reviewing a brand’s social videos. (Source: OneDay)
  • 76% of consumers say product and service explainer videos help them make buying decisions. (Source: MotionCue)
  • 69% of consumers say video testimonials and reviews help them make buying decisions. (Source: MotionCue)

Those statistics can’t be ignored. If you’re not producing high-impact video, you’re missing out on sales opportunities.

Related Reading: How to Create Authentic Brand Videos—And Why It Matters

2. Storytelling Assists In Brand Recall And Memorability

As humans, we love storytelling. It’s why streaming services are worth more than $500 billion and why a single movie like Avatar can rake in nearly $3 billion by itself.

That’s also why corporate video is so popular in marketing efforts; we’re primed to watch and engage with visual stories.

And one of the best parts: Visual storytelling assists in brand recall. Thanks to the memorability of stories, your original videos can help audience members remember your brand long after they step away from their phone, computer, or TV.

Related Reading: Using the 8-Second Attention Span for Video-First Marketing on Social Media

3. Storytelling Assists In Brand Loyalty

Because video is a powerful tool for grabbing attention, boosting brand recall, and increasing brand trustworthiness, it’s also a powerful tool for building brand loyalty—the tendency for a consumer to continue purchasing from you instead of a competitor.

That means a single video can generate an ROI well beyond its initial production costs, as a single viewing can result in a lifetime customer who only relies on your company for a specific product or service.

Related Reading: The Real Value of Investing In Video Marketing

How Do You Tell Stories In Corporate Videos?

What is storytelling? Here’s a simple definition for us to work from:

Storytelling is the art of using language, vocalization, and imagery in a narrative to engage an audience or make something more clear.

In today’s marketing, storytelling regularly incorporates video for maximum effect, but it also includes:

1. Story Arc

The story arc is the backbone of your video, providing a clear structure that guides the narrative from beginning to end.

It typically includes an introduction, a buildup of tension or conflict, a climax where the main message or solution is revealed, and a resolution that ties everything together.

By crafting a compelling story arc, you ensure your audience remains engaged and emotionally invested throughout the video.

Related Reading: Creating a Story Arc For Corporate Storytelling  

2. Theme

The theme is the underlying message or central idea that your video conveys. It ties all the elements of your story together and gives your audience something meaningful to take away.

A well-defined theme helps reinforce your brand values and connects with viewers on a deeper level, making your corporate video informative, impactful, and memorable.

3. Visual Elements

Visual elements are the components that make your video visually appealing and engaging. This includes everything from the choice of colors, lighting, and camera angles to the use of graphics, animations, and special effects.

By carefully selecting and designing these elements, you can create a visual experience that complements your story and keeps your audience captivated.

4. Emotion

Emotion is a powerful tool in storytelling that helps to create a connection between your audience and your brand.

By tapping into emotions such as joy, surprise, empathy, or inspiration, you can make your story more relatable and memorable.

Emotional storytelling not only captures attention but also fosters a deeper bond with your viewers, encouraging them to take action or develop loyalty to your brand.

5. Sound

Sound includes both the spoken elements, like dialogue and narration, and the non-spoken elements, such as background music, sound effects, and ambient noise.

Sound plays a crucial role in setting the tone, enhancing the mood and emotion, and emphasizing key moments in your video. A well-crafted soundscape can elevate your storytelling, making it more immersive and engaging for your audience.

6. Script

The script is the foundation of your video’s narrative, outlining the dialogue, narration, and key points that will be conveyed. A strong script ensures clarity, coherence, and consistency in your message, guiding the flow of your story and providing direction for visual and audio elements.

Crafting a compelling script involves careful planning, writing, and revising to ensure it resonates with your audience and effectively communicates your brand’s message.

7. Message

The message is the core takeaway that you want your audience to remember after watching your video. It’s the central idea or call to action that aligns with your brand’s goals and objectives.

A clear and concise message helps to reinforce your story’s purpose, making it easier for viewers to understand and retain the information you’ve shared.

By focusing on a strong, impactful message, you can ensure that your corporate video leaves a lasting impression—and leaves viewers with a clear call to action.

Related Reading: 5 Video CTA Tactics To Engage Your Audience and Drive Conversions

Partner With An Award-Winning Video Production Company

Choosing the right video production agency will significantly impact the effectiveness of your video marketing efforts. And providing that agency with a good brief is the first step to a successful project.

Whether you’re producing a series of Facebook reels, a new digital ad, a brand video, a corporate video, or a docu-style video, finding the right video company will impact how well your content grabs and holds attention within eight seconds.

At Covalent, we can help you create a winning video marketing strategy. Get in touch to explore how we can make your brand come alive with authentic video content.

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