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Hiring a Corporate Video Production Agency

An innovative corporate video production agency is one that’s not afraid to be bold. Big ideas are essential, and that creativity is what can truly set you apart from your competition. And yet, it can be so hard to get management buy-in. The more traditional and conservative the company you work in, the more likely you are to have come across some… skepticism, to put it mildly. Skepticism towards new ways of working and a strong tendency to want to stick to the old ways. You know—the way things have always been done. 

The Biggest Risk You Can Take Is Not To Be Bold 

So how do you stand up against the risk-averse and build your case for a modern marketing strategy, and subsequently, hiring the team to execute on it? Well, it can help to flip the whole question on its head. Because when you think about it, the biggest risk brands can actually take today is not being bold. Because not being bold enough to stand for something and say something worth listening to is the same thing as choosing to be invisible. 

Today’s marketing landscape is extremely saturated, and consumers are flooded with sales messages from the moment they wake up and check their phones to the moment they do the same thing before going to sleep. The only way for us human beings to survive this veritable marketing tsunami is to learn how to tune out. How to avoid ads, not read sales copy, and scroll past the commercials. 

To catch people’s attention, you need your content to stand out. You need it to not feel like yet another ad, but like something actually relevant to your target audience. You need to make it feel like it’s something new, something they haven’t already heard a thousand times. 

Related reading: 7 Ways To Get People To Pay Attention To Your Corporate Video


Convincing Analytical Minds to Support Creative Corporate Video

While marketers understand the value of creative corporate video, management may need to see hard facts, numbers, and successful examples to be convinced of the value. 

Convincing your management of the value of video in general, considering the following statistics:

Getting everyone on board with bold, creative ideas can sometimes prove more of a challenge. Especially companies new to video marketing often have the impulse to “play it safe” and create something similar to what their competitors are doing. The problem is that it’s not safe. Quite the opposite, it’s a waste. When you create content that doesn’t stand out, it means you’re creating content that nobody will notice. 

Finding statistics to prove your case is more challenging when it comes to this argument. Instead, the best way is often to show your bosses and colleagues examples of brands who’ve successfully leveraged creativity in their video marketing campaigns. 

The iconic video from Dollar Shave Club comes to mind. This one video launched a business, made it famous, and propelled it towards the annual revenue of $65 million they boast today. Dollar Shave Club got its first big boost from this 2012 YouTube video.

It cost $4,500 to make and took a single day to shoot. It then went viral in 72 hours, and today 27 million people have watched. That’s the power of creativity. 

Creativity is your most powerful weapon in your marketing toolbox. Nowhere is that more true than in corporate video marketing. It takes creativity to craft a great script, shoot it well and edit it into something engaging. 

Related reading: Corporate Video Production Essentials


Key Takeaways

  • Getting buy-in on bold, creative ideas from your management can be a challenge. But it’s a challenge worth taking on, and as soon as you get started, the results will speak for themselves. Most marketers agree that video marketing is the type of content that brings the best ROI, and no other medium has the same potential to go viral and reach millions.
  • Share numbers and statistics and, if possible, make a forecast of what your videos will generate in terms of traffic and conversions.
  • Show different examples of successful creative video marketing campaigns, and explain why they worked well and what you can learn from them.
  • Explain the risks that come with not being bold, and remaining invisible and unnoticed.
  • Interview a well renowned corporate video production agency or two, and hire the best one that fits your needs.

When you talk to management, a good strategy is to both present statistics about the efficiency of video marketing and to show specific examples of how brave marketing has driven growth. Borrowing creative concepts from entirely different industries is also a way to stand out from your competition, and at the same time, alleviate the scary feeling of venturing into the unknown. 

At Covalent, we’re experts at creating original and engaging corporate videos for B2B, B2C, and D2C brands. We can help you every step of the way, from strategy and ideation all way to your finished video. Get in touch to explore how we can help your brand use creativity to drive conversions!


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We've worked with large corporations to small businesses all with the same goal of creating unique and innovative videos—you deserve the same.

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