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8 Styles of Brand Video – Which One Is Best For Your Brand?

Are you looking to create a brand video, and show the world what your brand is all about? Great choice! There’s no better way to tell your brand story than with video. 

But how do you decide what style and type of video to use for this important video production? The brand video is a central piece in your marketing puzzle, so it’s crucial to get it right. 

Let’s have a look at 8 different styles of brand video, and examples of some of the best brand videos out there. Hopefully these will inspire you to set sail and launch your own brand video production.

Related reading: How to Create Authentic Brand Videos – And Why It Matters


The Product Explainer Brand Video

You know how it is. Let’s say you need a recipe, a new software, or you want to dye your hair. What do you do? You search Youtube. And not only you. Everybody does this. A whopping 70% of YouTube viewers state that they use videos to help solve problems. Which is, of course, a golden opportunity for marketers. The demand for educational branded videos is already there; all marketers need to do is provide them. (And do it well!) This product explainer video from HubSpot is an excellent example of this category:


The Animated Explainer Brand Video

Creating compelling and concise b2b video marketing doesn’t have to be complicated. Sometimes keeping it simple is instead the key to getting your message across. For BookSync, we created this short animated video with the ambition to keep things simple, sleek, and straight to the point: “Developing your team can be as easy as starting a company book club.”

Creative animated explainer videos are perfect to put on your website and for social media marketing.

Animation/ Motion Graphics

The Docu-Style Brand Video

Docus-style brand videos are perfect for creating an authentic feeling and getting your audience to connect with your video on an emotional level. This project that we did for the nonprofit Wheeling Island Greyhound Adoption Center is the perfect example of how docu-style videos are excellent for touching people’s hearts. We spent a weekend with two wonderful dog lovers in the Hamptons as they shared with us their adoption story and showed off their beautiful greyhound, Casey Bones Jones. The result was this long-from micro-documentary and two TV spots out of this docu-style production – a 30-second and 15-second. This campaign won a Gold Telly award in the NonProfit Campaign – Regional TV category

Adopt a Retired Racer – Nonprofit


The Lifestyle Brand Video

This fun ad for the Apple Watch is a great example of lifestyle brand videos. It puts the watch in context, following a woman who wears it. Her goal is to find time for relaxation, but with all the notifications and reminders in her apple watch, it soon becomes clear that she’s not making space for that. The video highlights the benefits and features of the apple watch, but more than anything else, it highlights the Apple brand and how central it has become in Apple lovers’ lives. 



The Company Culture Brand Video

An essential aspect of branding is the employer brand. As competition for top talent keeps increasing, companies need to position themselves not only as the best providers of whatever they are selling but also as the best employers. Video is excellent for enticing potential new hires and the perfect vehicle for setting the tone of your company culture. This video by Zendesk is a beautiful example of how a big tech company manages to come across as superhuman, relatable, and fun. 


The Testimonial Brand Video

In marketing, nothing beats a good testimonial. It’s a powerful type of social proof, and video testimonials are the crème de la crème of testimonials. Let your existing customers tell your potential new ones why they love your product, and you’ll avoid coming across as salesy and build much more trust. This Dropbox video is a classic example, and it certainly does its job. 


The Behind The Scenes Brand Video

Another popular type of branding video is the “behind the scenes” concept, inviting the viewer into your company’s everyday life. This style is excellent for erasing an overly corporate image and instead putting human faces on your business. This brand video production from Redwing celebrates the people who work in their shoe factory, highlighting the craftsmanship level and the pride people take in their work.


The Branded Short Film

The standard advice is to keep video commercials short because people’s attention span is not much longer than that of a goldfish. That holds true in many contexts, but no rules without exceptions. One such exception is the branded short film, which, when done right, can keep your audience captivated for, well, as long as you’d like, almost. 

One successful example is the Return of The Goat-series released at the launch of the Capra MKII mountainbike. The 12-minute’ Return of the Goat’ film, and the even longer sequel, ‘New World Order,’ were full-on movie productions supported by movie posters, teasers, a trailer, a press-only premiere, and a unique press pack. 

The story takes you on an action-packed ride through a world plagued by a sci-fi pandemic where mutant Goatmen are out to replace humans. And by going all-in, the team managed to create captivating short films that even people with no interest in bikes will sit through in suspense.


At Covalent, we’re happy to help you through the whole process of creating brand video – from strategy and ideation all the way to finished video. Get in touch to explore the endless opportunities!


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